We'll talk about whatever happens to cross our minds this week.  Pop Culture, movies, TV shows, games.  We'll disagree about almost everything, especially music.  This is the Car Bomb Podcast.

Episode 67 - Car Bomb is a Five Headed Monster

The ball sack dyes blue with pen marks and the man ate ten-thousand burritos in a shithole.

Paradise lost was written somewhere south of the border.

Rectum and Sphincter can do nothing except stop poo from last Wednesday evening during his erection.

Sophie lived under the bridge.

Tuesday turquoise is alliteration.

Vas-deferens sometimes equates to a Egoraptor.

Smother children.

Episode 54 - Car Bomb Breaks the Floor

Wow.  One entire year of this shit.  Welcome to Car Bomb's one year anniversary.  We couldn't really recap our year without once again spending far too much time on Breaking Bad, Supernatural, and Doctor Who.  We also just wouldn't be Car Bomb if we'd actually managed to stay on topic.  Thanks for a great year guys!