Hey all, Host/Editor Chris here with an important message. You’ve probably noticed there’s been a huge absence in episodes during 2023, I take credit but no blame. I have had lots of personal health/wellbeing concerns and so has my wife Jamie and what it’s led to is huge amounts of stress/depression. The absence of episodes isn’t the fault of cast, there’s two episodes in the can that I haven’t been able to upload and edit and I will get to it, but right now is a mental health break which brings me to my point. Never be scared or ashamed to take a mental health break. if you need it, you deserve it. Never be ashamed of taking care of yourself. To anyone reading this, I genuinely love you and I mean it. Thanks for sticking around during a difficult time and I will get back to things as soon as I can.
Welcome to a special Extra Life United episode, recorded in Orlando!
Join Jesse, Dylan, Brad & Phil as we talk about our experience at ELU 2023, Extra Life as a whole and our many adventures will in Orlando!
Hello and welcome! Join us as Peter shares stories from his recent trip to Japan, Kieran establishes some brand new Santa Canon, and Chris figuratively and literally shits the bed. Enjoy!
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Hello and welcome! No new Episode this week since Chris went from nerve pain, to severe stomach flu, to a pretty bad cold. During a brief respite we managed to record an episode on St. Patrick’s Day so that'll do for today. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Bit of a weird one today. As I explain in the intro we recorded last week but the surgery recovery I will be explaining in the episode developed into debilitating nerve pain and I could not get things together enough to edit and upload. That being said since I spent a week in pain and on painkillers I cant remember what we talked about enough to write an episode preview so, enjoy?
Jokes aside we are on the day of this post, but also year round, doing charity events and collecting money for BC Children’s Hospital. More information and more importantly the donate button can be found at www.cbextralife.live/donate
Hello and welcome. First, an explanation. Chris had a surgery which required recovery and will get explained in a later episode, followed by an illness in the family which explains his absence here. Nothing serious and everyone is ok but this is why nothing for two weeks. That being said Jesse, Peter, and Kieran filled in with stories of a bizarre Karaoke night, the possible Lord of the Rings reboot and how that might go, and some mention of a new small appliance Peter has that comes up only once or twice. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Join Peter and Kieran as they discuss a troubling but ultimately confusing Protest and counter-Protest, the Acting Career of Dave Bautista and the role he wants to play, and the troubling and ultimately confusing future of the DC Cinematic Universe. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Join Jesse Peter and Kieran as we discuss more Power Rangers, Metric Entertainment’s short film “Teddy”, Recent tragedy of Heli skiers in an avalanche, and unfortunately regular daily news of another violent tragic murder in the U.S.A……… Enjoy?
Hello and Welcome! Join Chris and Peter today as we look back on the life and legacy of Jamin Pugh (Better known as Tag-Team Champion and Legendary wrestler Jay Briscoe) who died suddenly and unexpectedly in a Car Accident recently. We also discuss TV shows that got cancelled before they were complete, as well as possible reunion shows and movies coming up. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Join Chris, Matt, Kieran, and Peter as we discuss the stupid ending to Avatar 2, Chris shares an awful start to the year leading to some pretty significant life changes, we discuss food exploration from around the world, and more crooked dealings from Vince McMahon over the WWE franchise. Also Peter decides the rest of us are bad Canadians. Enjoy!
Join Jesse and Kieran for the first episode of 2023, recounting gross cartoons and fanboy woes!
Hello and welcome! Join Peter Jesse and Chris for our end of Year wrap up for 2022! We have sidetracks and tangents as always but mostly focus on our annual “best (to us) of the year roundup. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Today we have Chris and Jesse being joined at first by Peter then Kieran. We discuss novelty Advent Calendars, Ideal Christmas Gifts if Money were no problem, and long Movies about large CG Blue Alien Cat People. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Join Peter, Matt, and Chris as we open with Action Man, and dissolve into chaos from there. We cover Peter’s Advent Calendar, educate Matt about smoking techniques, lament the onslaught of awful Christmas music, and discuss the accomplishments and difficulties of the Wrestler Sting. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Today we have Peter and Kieran taking over as Chris still cannot figure out the soundboard since Extra Life. We discuss the controversy surrounding Kelowna’s former Mayor, as well as the past and future of Doctor Who, and the past and future of James Bond. Enjoy!
Hello and welcome! Join Peter and Jesse for the eventual Extra Life recap episode since the last one didn’t work. Of course the usual sidetracks and tangents are here as always. Enjoy!
Chris here with a report on this week’s Episode. Kieran and Peter joined me for this week and both of their tracks are great but mine is a hot mess. So much crackling and popping would be one problem but my volume and also recording rate is all over the place so I have been unable to synch everybody up reliably. I may fix it eventually and edit this post but for now I do not believe what we have is usable. Everything should be not only back to normal but possibly all back in person next week. See you then!
Hello and welcome! Chris can’t get the audio working so Peter records a “no episode this week” message and then Kieran just……Records an episode. Enjoy, I guess?
Hello and welcome! Join Jesse Chris and Peter as we basically only talk about Extra Life, speaking of which, why are you still reading this? Go to www.cbextralife.live/donate and join us live!
Hello and welcome! Join Chris, Kieran, and Peter for a rather silly episode. We discuss international travel, the City of Penticton, Blurryface, a slightly darker more depressing wrestling story from Peter, and of course plenty of discussion about Extra Life. Enjoy!